Command line interface

This page provides an overview of the hanythingondemand command line interface.


This only applies to hanythingondemand version 3 and newer; older versions provided a significantly different command line interface.

hod command

The main hanythingondemand command is a Python script named hod, and implements the top-level command line interface that discriminates between the various subcommands.

Running hod without arguments is equivalent to hod --help, and results in basic usage information being printed:

$ hod
hanythingondemand version 3.2.0 - Run services within an HPC cluster
usage: hod <subcommand> [subcommand options]
Available subcommands (one of these must be specified!):
    batch           Submit a job to spawn a cluster on a PBS job controller, run a job script, and tear down the cluster when it's done
    clean           Remove stale cluster info.
    clone           Write hod configs to a directory for editing purposes.
    connect         Connect to a hod cluster.
    create          Submit a job to spawn a cluster on a PBS job controller
    destroy         Destroy an HOD cluster.
    dists           List the available distributions
    genconfig       Write hod configs to a directory for diagnostic purposes
    help-template   Print the values of the configuration templates based on the current machine.
    list            List submitted/running clusters
    relabel         Change the label of an existing job.

General hod command line options

hod [subcommand] --help

Print usage information and supported subcommands along with a short help message for each of them, or usage information and available options for the specified subcommand.

hod subcommands

The hod command provides a number of subcommands, which correspond to different actions.

An overview of the available subcommands is available via hod --help (see hod command).

More details on a specific subcommand are available via hod <subcommand> --help.

Available subcommands:

hod batch --script=<script-name>

Create a cluster and run the script. Upon completion of the script, the cluster will be stopped.

Next to --script (which is mandatory with batch), all configuration options supported for create are also supported for batch, see Configuration options for hod create. When used with batch, these options can also be specified via $HOD_BATCH_*.

Jobs that have completed will remain in the output of hod list with a job id of <job-not-found> until hod clean is run (see hod clean), or until the cluster is destroyed using hod destroy (see hod destroy <cluster-label>).


--hod-module, --workdir, and either --hodconf or --dist must be specified.

hod clean

Remove cluster info directory for clusters that are no longer available, i.e. those marked with <job-not-found> in the output of hod list.

hod clone <dist-name> <destination>

Clone a dist for use editing purposes. If there is a provided dist that is almost what is required for some work, users can clone it and edit the files.

hod connect <cluster-label>

Connect to an existing hanythingondemand cluster, and set up the environment to use it.

This basically corresponds to logging in to the cluster head node using SSH and sourcing the cluster information script that was created for this cluster ($HOME/.config/hod.d/<label>/env).

hod create

Create a hanythingondemand cluster, with the specified label (optional) and cluster configuration file (required).

The configuration file can be a filepath, or one of the included cluster configuration files (see hod dists).

Jobs that have completed will remain in the output of hod list with a job id of <job-not-found> until hod clean is run (see hod clean), or until the cluster is destroyed using hod destroy (see hod destroy <cluster-label>).


--hod-module, --workdir, and either --hodconf or --dist must be specified.

Configuration options for hod create

hod create --hod-module <module name>

must be specified

Specify the hanythingondemand module that must be loaded in the job that is submitted for the HOD cluster; can also be specified via $HOD_CREATE_HOD_MODULE.

hod create --workdir <path>

must be specified

Specify the top-level working directory to use; can also be specified via $HOD_CREATE_WORKDIR.

hod create --hodconf <path>

either --dist or this must be specified

Specify location of cluster configuration file; can also be specified via $HOD_CREATE_HODCONF.

hod create --dist <dist>

either --hodconf or this must be specified

Specify one of the included cluster configuration file to be used (see also hod dists); can also be specified via $HOD_CREATE_DIST.

hod create --label <label>

Specify label for this cluster. If not label is specified, the job ID will be used as a label; can also be specified via $HOD_CREATE_LABEL.

The label can be used to later connect to the cluster while it is running (see hod connect <cluster-label>).

hod create --modulepaths <paths>

Add additional locations for modules that need to be loaded (see hod create –modules <module names>).

Can also be specified via $HOD_CREATE_MODULEPATHS.

hod create --modules <module names>

Add modules to the dist so each node has access to them. If code submitted to the cluster requires a particular module, it should be added with this option. For example, if an IPython notebook plans to use Python modules on the worker kernels (or through Spark) they will need to be added here.

Can also be specified via $HOD_CREATE_MODULES.

hod create --job-*

The resources being requested for the job that is submitted can be controlled via the available --job options, see –job options for hod create / hod batch.

hod destroy <cluster-label>

Destroy the HOD cluster with the specified label.

This involves deleting the job, and removing the working directory and cluster info directory ($HOME/.config/hod.d/<label>) corresponding to this cluster, if they are still in place.

In case the cluster is currently running, confirmation will be requested.

hod dists

Print a list of available cluster configurations (‘distributions‘), along with the list of modules that correspond to each of them.

See for example Available distributions.

hod genconfig

Generate hanythingondemand cluster configuration files to the working directory for diagnostic purposes.

The working directory can be specified using --workdir or via $HOD_GENCONFIG_WORKDIR.

hod help-template

Print the values for the configuration templates based on the current machine.

hod list

Print a list of existing clusters, and their state (‘queued‘ or ‘running‘).

Jobs that have completed running will remain in the list with <job-not-found> until hod clean is run (see hod clean), or until the HOD cluster is destroyed using hod destroy (see hod destroy <cluster-label>).

hod relabel <old-label> <new-label>

Change the label for a hod cluster that is queued or running.

--job options for hod create / hod batch

The create and batch subcommands accept the following options to specify requested job resources.

These can also be specified via $HOD_BATCH_JOB_* (for hod batch) or $HOD_CREATE_JOB_* (for hod create).

--job-mail/-m <string>

Send a mail when the cluster has started (b for ‘begin‘), stopped (e for ‘ended‘) or got aborted (a).

For example, using -m a will result in receiving a mail whn the cluster has started running.

--job-mailothers/-M <main addresses>

List of other mail adresses to send mails to.

--job-name/-N <name>

Specify the name for the job that will be submitted.

--job-nodes/-n <int>

The number of (full) workernodes to request for the job being submitted (default: 1).

--job-ppn <int>

The number of cores per workernode to request; by default: -1, i.e. full workernodes (request all available cores).

--job-queue/-q <int>

Name of job queue to submit to (default: none specified).

--job-walltime/-l <int>

Number of hours of walltime to request (default: 48).